Guide to cPanel Interface Customization - cPanel Style Development


You can develop custom styles that modify the appearance of the cPanel interface. For example, you may wish to create a customized appearance to match your company's branding and logo, or you may wish to create customized styles for distribution.


  • A custom cPanel style only changes the appearance of the cPanel interface, while cPanel plugins add customized functionality. 


We strongly recommend that you do not attempt to modify the existing cPanel default style. Updates to cPanel & WHM may overwrite your changes. To modify any aspect of the cPanel interface's appearance, you must create a new style. 

Style development workflow

When you create a cPanel style, we recommend that you use the following workflow:

  1. Create a new directory for the style.

  2. Create the styles.css file within the new directory.

  3. Add the desired images and other assets to the directory.

  4. Move the style's directory to the appropriate location on the server:

    • For all of the accounts on the server — /var/cpanel/customizations/styled/mystyle/

    • For all of the cPanel accounts that a reseller owns — /home/reseller/var/cpanel/reseller/styled/mystyle/

    • For a specific cPanel account — /home/username/var/cpanel/styled/mystyle/


    • mystyle represents the name of the style's directory.
    • reseller represents the reseller's username.
    • username represents the cPanel account's username.
    • If the server uses a customized home directory path, make certain that you use the appropriate path for that home directory.
    • If these directories do not currently exist on the server, use the mkdir command to create them.
  5. Apply the style to the desired accounts.


The system uses the cpsrvd daemon to serve cPanel styles. The cpsrvd daemon listens on port 2082 (insecure connections) and port 2083 (secure connections). Make certain that you consider this when you specify paths in your custom styles.

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