This function retrieves an application's information from the dynamicui.conf
Use cPanel's API Shell interface (Home >> Advanced >> API Shell) to directly test cPanel API calls.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Possible values |
Example |
app_key |
string |
Required The application's feature name. |
Any valid feature name. Note: This value must match a feature's app_key value. For a list of app_keyvalues, read our Guide to cPanel Interface Customization - Appkeysdocumentation. |
boxtrapper |
Return |
Type |
Description |
Possible values |
Example |
width |
integer |
The application's icon's width. |
A positive integer that represents an image width, in pixels. |
35 |
itemorder |
integer |
The application's order in thedynamicui.conf file. |
A positive integer that represents the application's display order in cPanel'sHome interface. For example, the first item on the cPanel Home interface has anitemorder value of 1. |
3 |
file |
string |
The application's icon's filename. |
A valid filename. |
boxtrapper |
height |
integer |
The application's icon's height. |
A positive integer that represents an image height, in pixels. |
32 |
itemdesc |
string |
The application's display name. |
A string value. |
BoxTrapper |
if |
string |
Conditional arguments that determine whether to display the item, if any exist. |
Conditional arguments that determine whether to display the item. For example, $isreseller indicates that the item only displays for reseller accounts. |
feature |
string |
The application's feature name. |
The app_key parameter's value. |
boxtrapper |
group |
string |
The application's group. |
A string value. |
subtype |
string |
The item's subtype. |
img is the only possible value. |
img |
imgtype |
string |
The item's image type. |
icon is the only possible value. |
icon |
searchtext |
string |
One or more search terms. The application's icon will display when users enter these search terms in theQuick Find text box. |
A space-separated list of search terms. |
boxtrapper |
url |
string |
The location to which the application's icon links. |
A valid filepath or URL. |
mail/boxtrapper.html |
type |
string |
The application's type. |
image is the only possible value. |
image |
module |
string |
The application's module. |
A valid module name. |
BoxTrapper |