cPanel API 1 Functions - Branding::image


This function displays a branding image's URL.


cPanel API 1 is deprecatedDo not use this function. Instead, we strongly recommend that you use the following newer functions:



 LiveAPI PHP Class

$cpanel new CPANEL(); // Connect to cPanel - only do this once.
$branding_image $cpanel->api1('Branding''image'array('image''0''package1''1''0''0''1', '0) ); // Call the function.

 LiveAPI Perl Module

my $cpliveapi = Cpanel::LiveAPI->new(); # Connect to cPanel - only do this once.
my $branding_image $cpliveapi->api1('Branding''image', ['image''0''package1''1''0''0''1', '0] ); # Call the function.

 cPanel Tag System (deprecated)

<cpanel Module="Branding::image( $FORM('imagefile','isvar','pkg','needfile','nomagic','needboth','reqext','skip_logo_check'))">

 Command Line

cpapi1 --user=username Branding image imagefile=image isvar=0 pkg=package1 needfile=1 nomagic=0 needboth=0 reqext=1 skip_logo_check=0

 Output (URL)






Possible values





 The image filename.

 A valid image name, without the file's path or extension.




 Whether to return the full URL.


 Only use this parameter when you call the function from a Perl script.

 This value defaults to 0.

  • 1 — Return the URL value as a variable.
  • 0 — Print the URL value.





 The name of the branding package to search.

 A valid branding package name.





 Whether to return the cPanel_magic_revision URL.

  • 1 — Return the full URL.
  • 0 — Return thecPanel_magic_revisionsection of the URL.





 Whether to return the image file's absolute path.

  • 1 — Return the absolute file path.
  • 0 — Return thecPanel_magic_revisionURL.




 Whether to return both the file and the URL.


 Only use this parameter when you call the function from a Perl script.

 This value defaults to 0.


  • 1 — Return the file and image URL.
  • 0 — Do not return the file and image URL.





 Whether to return the image's filename extension.

  • 1 — Return the filename extension.
  • 0 — Do not return the filename extension.





 Whether to return the file.

  • 1 — Return the image's file.
  • 0 — Return the image's URL.





This function returns a URL to the image file, a full file path, or an image file.

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