UAPI Functions - Mysql::rename_database


This function renames a MySQL® database.


It is potentially dangerous to rename a MySQL database. We strongly recommend that you perform a backup of the database before you attempt to rename it. 


MySQL does not natively rename databases. When cPanel & WHM "renames" a database, the system performs the following steps:
  1. The system creates a new database.
  2. The system moves data from the old database to the new database.
  3. The system recreates grants and stored code in the new database.
  4. The system deletes the old database and its grants. 


  • If any of the first three steps fail, the system returns an error and attempts to restore the database's original state. If the restoration process fails, the function's error message will include the additional failures.
  • In rare cases, the system creates the new database successfully, but fails to complete step 4. The system treats this as a success, but the function will return warning messages that describe the failure.



 cPanel or Webmail Session URL

 LiveAPI PHP Class

$cpanel new CPANEL(); // Connect to cPanel - only do this once.
// Rename the mydb database.
$rename_db $cpanel->uapi(
        'oldname'       => 'mydb',
        'newname'       => 'newlyrenamed',

 LiveAPI Perl Module

my $cpliveapi = Cpanel::LiveAPI->new(); # Connect to cPanel - only do this once.
# Rename the mydb database.
my $rename_db $cpliveapi->uapi(
        'oldname'       => 'mydb',
        'newname'       => 'newlyrenamed',

 cPanel Template Toolkit

<!-- Rename the database. -->
[% execute('Mysql', 'rename_database', { oldname => 'mydb', newname => 'newlyrenamed' } ) %]

 Command Line

uapi --user=username Mysql rename_database oldname=mydb newname=newlyrenamed



  • You must URI-encode values.
  • username represents your account-level username.

 Output (JSON)

  "messages": null,
  "errors": null,
  "status": 1,
  "metadata": {
  "data": null



Use cPanel's API Shell interface (Home >> Advanced >> API Shell) to directly test cPanel API calls.






Possible values





The database's current name.

A database on the cPanel account.





The database's new name.

A valid database name.


  • If database prefixing is enabled, you must prefix this value with the account prefix and an underscore (_). For example, for the dbuserdatabase on the user cPanel account, pass in a value ofuser_dbuser.
  • The maximum length of the database name is 64 characters. However, due to the method that cPanel & WHM uses to store MySQL database names, each underscore character requires two characters of that  limit. Therefore, if you enable database prefixing, the maximum length of the database name is 63 characters, which includes both the database prefix and the underscore character. Each additional underscore requires another two characters of that limit.




This function only returns metadata.

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