Guide to the LiveAPI System


The LiveAPI System provides environments for applications in cPanel's x3 theme. Each environment provides a way for your code to interact locally with the cPanel binary, cpsrvd . This allows you to make cPanel API 1, cPanel API 2, and UAPI function calls via the socket.

  • Each LiveAPI class provides common elements to integrate with cPanel & WHM. 
  • When you use these environments, the authenticated user executes the functions. Because of this, calls may fail if the authenticated user does not have adequate permissions.


For applications built in the Perl programming language, we recommend that you use Template Toolkit.  


cPanel & WHM version 11.28 and earlier used the LivePHP system, which provided similar functionality, but was specific to the PHP programming language.

LiveAPI environments

cPanel & WHM provides the following classes for the LiveAPI system:

While cPanel does not currently provide classes for them, the LiveAPI system also supports the following languages:

  • Ruby
  • Python
  • Other languages, through custom CGI wrappers.


You can use CGI with the LiveAPI Perl module.

  • An example script for this method ships with cPanel & WHM in the/usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/ file.
  • The root user must own CGI scripts, and the scripts must have 0755 file permissions.


Applications that use a LiveAPI environment must meet the following requirements:

  • The code must include the appropriate environment and instantiate the respective class's object.
  • File names must end with the appropriate file extension:
    • PHP — .livephp or .live.php
    • Perl — .livepl or
    • Ruby — .liverb or .live.rb
    • Python — .livepy or
    • CGI — .livecgi or .live.cgi
  • Files, or symlinks to the relevant files, must exist in the /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/theme/ directory, where theme is the cPanel theme (x3 or paper_lantern).
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